BPPE Annual Report for 2015 - Institution

Tracking Number: 2016120911526

Report for Year: 2015

Institution Name: California College of Early Childhood Education

Institution Code (If an institution has branch locations the institution code is the school code for the main location): 4102781

Street Address (Physical Location): 2333 S. El Camino Real

City: San Mateo

State: California

Zip Code: 94403

Check all that apply to this institution:

For profit institution:

Sole Proprietor: Sole Proprietor

Non-profit institution:

Limited Liability Corporation:

Publicly traded institution:


Number of Branch Locations: 1

Number of Satellite Locations: 0

Is this institution current with all assessments to the Student Tuition Recovery Fund?: YES

Is this institution current on Annual Fees?: YES

Is your institution accredited by an accrediting agency/agencies recognized by the United States Department of Education? Include only full institutional approval, not programmatic approval: NO

If you answered yes to the question above, please identify the Accrediting Agency:

If your institution has specialized accreditation from a recognized United States Department of Education approved specialized/programmatic accreditor, list the accreditation: NA

Has any accreditation agency taken any formal disciplinary action against this institution?: NO

Does your institution participate in federal financial aid programs under Title IV of the Federal Higher Education Act?: NO

What is the total amount of Title IV funds received by your institution in 2014?: NA

Does your institution participate in federal veteran's financial aid education programs?: NO

What is the total amount of veteran's financial aid funds received by your institution in 2014?: NA

Does your institution participate in the Cal Grant program?: NO

What is the total amount of Cal Grant funds received by your institution in 2014?: NA

Is your institution on the California Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL)?: NO

Is your institution receiving funds from the Work Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program?: NO

What is the total amount of WIOA funds received by your institution in 2015?: NA

Does your institution participate in, or offer any other government or non-govermental financial aid programs?: NO

If yes, please indicate the name of the financial aid program: NA

The percentage of institutional income in 2015 that was derived from public funding: NA

If your institution reports a Cohort Default Rate to the US Department of Education please enter the most recent three year rate: 0

The percentage of students who attended this institution in 2015 who received federal student loans to help pay their cost of education at the school was: 0

Total number of students enrolled at this institution: 0

Number of Doctorate Degrees Offered: 0

Number of Students enrolled in Doctorate level programs at this Institution: 0

Number of Master Degrees Offered: 0

Number of Students enrolled in Master level programs at this institution: 0

Number of Bachelor Degrees Offered: 0

Number of Students enrolled in Bachelor level programs at this institution: 0

Number of Associate Degrees Offered: 0

Number of Students enrolled in Associate level programs at this institution: 0

Number of Diploma or Certificate Programs Offered: 1

Number of Students enrolled in Diploma or Certificate programs at this institution: 98

Institution's Website: http://www.californiacollegeofece.com

Performance Fact Sheet: http://www.californiacollegeofece.com

2015 Catalog: http://www.californiacollegeofece.com

Annual Report: http://www.californiacollegeofece.com

Enrollment Agreement: http://www.californiacollegeofece.com